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Assembly Bill 390 – Is the War on Drugs Almost Over?

There has been is allot of progress in the cannibis users rights movement.. But how much of this is actual or just good PR for politicians.

Atleast the unfavorable positions of politicians are shifting to match the favorable statistics of the general population. Even after Obama’s declaration to keep from raiding lagitimate Medical Marijuana distributors.The police keep it a mystery how much law enforcement will be utilized in an attempt to prove who is legitimate or a”criminal organization”

On October 19th The in a memo Attorney General Eric clarified the policy announced by Federal officials…’that they should desist from raiding and prosecuting state-approved medical marijuana providers’. Less than a week after Holder’s announcement, more than a dozen Drug Enforcement Agency agents raided Emmalyn’s California Cannabis Clinic, a medical marijuana cooperative located near the intersection of 12th and Howard streets on the edge of the Mission District. Although no charges were filed they confiscated the money and the medical marijuana under gun point!

So it seems that the DEA is still raiding dispensaries even after the supposed moretorium on actions. Other legal actions in the previous years by lawmakers suggest there has been no change in the protection of workers medical rights. Legislation protecting medical marijuana patients from losing there job under the basis of employment drug testing has been rejected by the courts. Even though in urine testing it is especially unfair because THC Metabolites can be detected in the Urine inbetween from 2 weeks to 3 months. Compared to heavier drugs coccaine, Herione and Opium metaobolites, which only be detectable takes for up to 6 days.

The criminal prohibition of marijuana provides law enforcement and state regulators with no legitimate market controls,” states NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano in prepared testimony. “This absence of state and local government controls jeopardizes rather than promotes public safety. I urge this Committee to move forward with the enactment of sensible regulations for legalizing marijuana.”

CA Assembly Committee on Public Safety precided over a hearing on Oct. 28th. The Hearing, entitled “Examining the Fiscal and Legal Implication of the Legalization and Regualtion of Marijuana” And was chaired by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) sponser of Assemble Bill 390,The Marijuana Control, regulation and Education act.
Although several representatives from law enforcement are expected to testify against the actual hearing scheduled for Jan 1, 2010. Including the California Police Chiefs Association and the Office of the Attorney General’s Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement.

There are those from the legal system that are in favor of AB 390…Retired Superior Ca. Superior Court Judge James Gray testified during the AB 390 examination hearings in favor of marijuana distribution and regulation. Still while having some very conservative views..He ‘admonishes against the treatment of Marijuana users by the legal system and believes regulated distribution is necessary.’

Norm Stamper a retired police chief even believes in legalization and regulation of sale of all drugs. Norm Stamper is a member of LEAP Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.
Other Bills being considered by Congress is a scale back on the law that made Students caught for drug convictions lose their financial aid. Soo that students caught for minor possession would not be included.

So atleast we are some-what headed in the dirrection of legalization. But there is still a far way to go before the so called “war against drugs “has truely ended its oppression of the American populace!


New CA State Supreme court ruling in a medical marijuana cas involving a man that was growing 200 plants as a caregiver for 5 licensed patients. ‘That a caregiver has to be more then a periodic grower or helper of patients..” the individual designated by the [patient]… who has consistently assumed responsibility for the housing, health, or safety of that person.” With this ruling, the state Supreme Court has defined that definition to “imply a caretaking relationship directed at the core survival needs of a seriously ill patient, not just one single pharmaceutical need.”

So that may be preceived as another swing in the opposition of medical marijuana rights.

-alex shapiro

Newest Update..

12/17/09 –
In the State of Washington A Marijuana legalization Bill was introduced by state Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson, with Rep. Roger Goodman as the principal coauthor. The two Democrats represent Seattle-area districts. Four other legislators have also signed onto the bill. Goodman was scheduled to join Ammiano on a conference call with reporters Thursday morning. Much like the Marijuana legalization bill by Tom Amiano in California. Will the Federal Govt ever legalize it?!

Information collected from Norml newsletters, Capitol Weekly and CBS News.

Posted by A. Shapiro
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